Category Archives: Reading

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Perfection is an illusion: Pride magazine, the Reading Agency and another Verge collaboration

may all your dreams_Kia_power_blog

Well, hello there! How has your week been? The last few weeks were just a blur to me as so much has happened….and now I would like to share some of that with you: Firstly, I was interviewed by a Reading Activist at Thorton Heath library in association with the Reading Agency and this has…

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Tips to start writing your bestseller at Christmas

Kia Garriques writing at Christmas

During Christmas, most of us amuse ourselves with the festive food, amazing sales and wonderful presents. This year, why not make a start on your writing career and start penning the start of a beautiful literary piece? Writing can seem like a very daunting prospect, especially if it’s not something you would usually consider doing…

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Spin-off: Innovera Yakov vs Earth: Gamma: Day 1: Sin 1

Sunset_Innovera Yakov

By Tina Gallery GAMMA Hello Hello! I’m Gamma and I’m from a world called Innovera Yakov. What’s Innovera Yakov you ask? It’s a faraway planet in a completely different universe to earth. It’s a beautiful crystal world that turns under five moons and two brilliant suns that never set. So I find it very strange…

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Spin-off: Innovera Yakov vs Earth: Ayana – Day 1: Sin 1

Manikin_Innovera Yakov

By Jasmine Fisher Storyline so far: Innovera Yakov is a beautiful world of crystals that turns under five moons and two brilliant suns that never set. Flitters take care of domestic chores while Starbirds and Starflies soar through the never-ending sunlight of this crystalline world. The Circle of Knowing decides their fate; the forbidden forests…

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I’m moving up: blog tour first, schools and press next!


Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have updated my blog. Things have been rather hectic with preparations for the release of my novel but I can now share all of the exciting news with you all. World Book Day is coming up on March 7th which is always a day of fun…

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